Applications accreditation for 9th Kyiv International Festival of Advertising is completed.
By the end of registration there were 500 participants and 2001 works in the catalogue. Interestingly, the first participant was the Russian «Laboratory of Social Advertising», and the 500th participant - a Russian agency as well, named «Maniaco». We don't know if the numbers 500 and 2001, as well as the first and last KIAF participants' names have a special sacred meaning, but it is a curious fact, isn't it? Starting from social advertising and ending with the maniacs, five hundred participants.
Please note that only KIAF contest works registration is over. The Organizational Committee continues accepting contest samples for the KIAF stands, as well as the accreditation applications.
For all willing to be accredited and be able to participate in three-day Festival seminar program, get accreditation materials (DVD, CD, printing catalogues etc.), visit all parties, and certainly, sit at the 9th KIAF Awards Ceremony, it is necessary to send an e-mail to: , with the company name and the names of people to be accredited for the Festival, as well as the contact information.
The accreditation cost for the one participant is 200 Euro. Accreditation of several people from one company costs 175 Euro per participant.
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