28-05-2009 18:02
The half of Ukrainians negatively treats to advertising? According to research of Research & Branding Group and to Allukrainian Advertizing Coalition

  As appeared, according to research of Research & Branding Group and to Allukrainian Advertizing Coalition, half of Ukrainians dislike advertising. Marina Kasian, director deputy of Research & Branding Group presented on the 10-th KIAF a lecture on a theme «Advertising for an user: friend or enemy?»,  some issues of which we will present below.

Research was conducted on all territory of Ukraine. Selection  more than 2000 respondents. People were distributed on two practically equal camps. First (we will be advertising patriots and will name it the first) - are people with good or neutral attitude toward advertising in general. About their good attitude 19% of respondents told, while about 30% declared their neutral attitude. Accordingly in the second camp - people's attitude of which toward advertising is negative entered 51% of quizzees.

Interestingly, that 69% of respondents «does not trust on the whole» to information which is carried by advertising. At the same time 51% agree, that advertising acquaints with new products, and 22% are sure that without advertising it would be heavily to be determined at the choice of commodity. Advertising "zombies" users, imposing them unnecessary or more dear commodity, - declared 49% of respondents. And 64% consider in general, that «a good commodity does not need any advertising at all».

The factors influencing the decision to accomplish the purchase of new thing now are:

- price - 25%;

- advice/recommendation of friends or relatives - 17%;

- desire to try something new - 14%;

- discount or present suggestion - 8%;

- acquainted producer - 6%;

- spontaneous decision - 5%;

- interesting and memorized advertising - 3%;

- a salesman persuaded - 3%;

- attractive packing - 2%;

- necessity -2%.



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