25-05-2009 08:40
The head of KIAF's PR-jury will act in Ukrainian PR-podcast

On May, 28th, directly at the height of KIAF, you can listen to the Ukrainian PR-podcast with Marina Fisher's participation. Marina Fisher will share impressions about festival works, and also will discuss with the Ukrainian colleagues Elena Lobova (Pleon Talan) and Oksana Hoshva (Hoshva PR) the basic tendencies of PR market and the influence of economic crisis. It will be interesting!

Listen to the PR-podcast on the site

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Partner of nomination "Stars in advertising"

Partner of 10-years KIAF rarty

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Partner of Contest "Interactive advertising"

Partner of Contest "Label and Packaging"

Promotional agency

BTL agency

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Newspapers of KIAF 10

Stands of KIAF 10

Graphic arts industry of KIAF 10

Prizes of KIAF 10

Packages of KIAF 10

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Aroma partner

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