22-05-2009 12:20
New generation of PR-experts on Ukrainian market. Who will win: fathers or children?

On May, 28th, 2009, within the limits of 10th KIAF the talk show "New generation of PR-experts on Ukrainian market. Who will win: fathers or children?" will take place.

The basic questions of discussion:

    - Centripetal and centrifugal processes in PR, "senior" and "new" waves of experts.

    - Whether there is a crisis of «fathers and children» in Ukrainian PR?

 - Whether the new wave of experts can unite the Ukrainian professionals?

    - How many years it is necessary to work to become the PR-expert

  -  Whether there are "old" and "new" methods in PR and which of them are more effective?

    - Possibilities of professional growth in PR-structures and PR-divisions of the companies.

Participants of the event are known experts in PR-services of Ukraine. They will share the opinion on problem of «fathers and children», and the further development of PR in Ukraine as a whole.

Moderator - Valery Kurejko, general director of Publicity Creating, vice-president of the Ukrainian PR-alliance

Event takes place under the aegis of the Ukrainian PR-alliance (UPRA)

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