22-05-2009 12:25
The list of campaigns, offered to the public defense om May 27, 2009 is determined!

WARNING! Published list of works is not equal to the list of finalists. Short-lists of all the competitions will be formed after the 2-th (full time) tour of the jury directly on the days of the festival.


BTL & DM projects

B-1-8 Sommelier,  Ogilvy Group Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

B-1-10 Vse na velcom, PR êâàäðàò, Minsk, Belarus

B-2-21 The Sense of Indirect, Forte Grey, Minsk, Belarus

B-2-30 Mermaid, MEX, Kiev, Ukraine

B-2-32 Vichy Secret Laboratory, Pleon Talan, Kiev, Ukraine

B-2-36 COSMO "Bikini Bash" , R&I GROUP,  Moscow, Russia

B-2-40 Vogue metamorphosis, Smart Group Ogilvy Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

B-4-3 "I love romantic moments", Ark Connect (Ark Scholz&Friends Group), Moscow, Russia


Advertising campaigns

K-1-2 New Year Tariff, Adline, Moscow, Russia

K-1-7 ICE BATTLE, BBDO Moscow, Russia

K-1-11 NewTone FM, Instinct, Moscow, Russia

K-1-21 Hepatitis, McCann Erickson Riga, Ëàòâèÿ

K-1-31 AXE Instinct - It's cool to be in leather!, RAPP, Moscow, Russia

K-1-38 Kamasutra, TABASCO, Kiev, Ukraine


Media projects

M-1-2 Escape from Moscow, OMD Media Direction, Moscow, Russia

M-2-1 You could have been, Kryn, Minsk, Belarus

M-3-13 You've never seen such actors, Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia

M-4-1 Children's Lost Letters, Adventa Lowe, Kiev, Ukraine

M-4-16 For Accountants: Mornings = Paulig, Mediaplan / OMD Russia, Moscow, Russia

M-4-17 Mermaid, MEX, Kiev, Ukraine

M-5-5 Home-Reading Selection, Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia

M-5-9 Crazy Offer from Elion, Trendmark UniversalMccann Estonia


PR projects

C-1-2 Reflectors' police, Alpha Baltic, Riga, Latvia

C-1-6 Magic Hands, GLOBAL Point, St. Petersburg, Russia

C-1-8 Who is fu&%# Viktor Gord?, ISD Group, Kiev, Ukraine

C-1-13 You've never seen such actors, Leo Burnett Moscow, Russia

Ñ-1-14 Mermaid, MEX, Kiev, Ukraine

C-1-17 Vilnius - Europian Capital of Culture, Nords PR Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

C-1-19 Folk festival "GALA Hozyaushka", SPN Ogilvy, Kiev, Ukraine

C-1-20 Babiy Yar book. Revealing the war, Talan Group, Kiev, Ukraine

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