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- 13-00
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- � 14-00
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- ��� ��� ����������� ������� ������� � �� 10 ��. ³����� �� ������� ������ ��� � �� 5 ��.
�-1. Electronic mass-media and cinema
�-1-3. McDonald's Quest, Optimum Media OMD, ������.
�-1-4. Foxtrot Adviser, Talan Proximity Ukraine, ����.
�-1-6. Postcard from Narnia, Starcom Ukraine, ����.
�-2. Print media, transport and outdoor media solutions
�-2-1. MMS � Make Me famouS!, APR Media Services, ������.
�-2-8. Chesterfield Windows, Starcom Ukraine, ����.
�-2-9. � ����� ������/The First Circle, FCB MA, ������.
�-3. Special events, sponsorship
�-3-1. Tuborg Loud & Live!, APR Media Services, ������.
�-3-4. Getting up!, Starcom Ukraine, ����.
�-4. Integrated media solutions, non-traditional media
�-4-1.���� �� ���������, FCB MA Ukraine, ����.
�-4-4. Your journey starts here!, Leo Burnett Ukraine, ����.
�-4-6. UFO Traces, ������ �����, ���������.
�-5. Target audience impact
�-5-1. Recipe for Success, APR Media Services, ������.
�-5-7. ������ ���� �������/ Measure your breath, �����, �����.
M-5LM1. Jacobs coffee mats, Starcom Ukraine, ����.
- �20-30
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