/ Organizational Committee
Organizational Committee
President of the Festival
Irina Kuznetsova Chief of the board of the All-Ukrainian advertising coalition
Tatyana Andros, marketing director, (participation contact)
Irina Papinchak, chief accountant, (payment contact)
Daria Krikunova, manager, (partners contact)
Ekaterina Papinchak, manager,
Oksana Hoshva, PR director, (press-centre, accreditation of the press)
Sergiy Slupskyy, Event director,
Andrew Alexandrov,
Maxim Lazebnik, producer of the project,
Organizational Committee Address
app. 24, 8/12 Andtiivska str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine
Phone/Fax: +38 044 425 57 40
Organizers of the festival
The All-Ukrainian advertising coalition www.adfestival.com.ua The Public Advertising Council