Р-12. Реклама рекламных агентств, средства массовой информации

Участник: Lukrecijos reklama
Participant: Lukrecijos reklama
Title of work: Take me every morning - No.4 (Series)
Advertiser: Lietuvos rytas
Product, service to be advertised: Lithuanian daily newspaper "Lietuvos rytas"
Slogan, description of creative idea: "Take me every morning"; The name of a daily newspaper is "Lithuanian morning", and as it is the most popular in the country, it is as important thing in the morning as alarm-clock, sun, shower, breakfast. All these things can be seen through a look of daily newspaper.
Author of idea: Akvile Melkunaite
Creative manager: Simonas Galkus
Designer: Simonas Galkus
Дата создания: 15-09-2001