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Participant: AA "FORTE GREY"
Title of work: "Scarf"
Advertiser: Audi AG Minsk
Product, service to be advertised: Winter service campaign
Slogan, description of creative idea: Winter is coming. It is time to care about your comfort and cosiness. "Audi" corporate service is ready for winter. What about you? Slogan: "Winter is coming. Are you ready?"
Author of idea: Andrei Khaletski
Creative manager: Andrei Khaletski
Producer: Denis Kostuchenko
Copywriter: Andrei Khaletski
Art-director: Sergei Tishkov
Designer: Sergei Tishkov
Photographer: Andrei Shchukin
Production company: AA Forte Grey
Others: AA Forte Grey
Äàòà ñîçäàíèÿ: 20-11-2001