PR-jury of 10th Kiev International Advertising Festival will be headed by Marina Čulic Fischer, Managing Partner of Pleon Dialog, Croatia, Central and Eastern Europe co-coordinator, Pleon Europe.
Marina Fisher was born on March, 28th 1972 in Croatia. She has received Master of Arts from Faculty of sociological sciences at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, major in mass communications. Marina worked Press officer, International film festival Karlovy Vary and journalist for daily newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija, Croatian News Agency HINA, Czech National Television CTV and local television from Split, TV Marjan. From 1993 till 1995 - PR Supervisor, Ogilvy&Mather, Prague. Since 1995 Marina began working in BBDO Zagreb. Since 2000 - Member of the BBDO Group Croatia management. Since 2006 - Managing Partner&Member of the Board, Pleon Dialog, Associate Member of Pleon Europe Board, Central and Eastern Europe co-coordinator, Pleon Europe.
Marina Fisher is a member of a number of professional associations, author of many articles on Public Relations published in Croatian media and lecturer at PR and advertising congresses in Croatia
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