Èäåÿ ôèðìåííîãî ñòèëÿ 6-ãî ÊÌÔÐ ÐÀ Mr. Lemons, Riga
P-7-16 Òîâàðû äëÿ îôèñà, ñðåäñòâà è óñëóãè ñâÿçè (îðãòåõíèêà, òåëåôîíû, ìîáèëüíûå îïåðàòîðû, èíòåðíåò óñëóãè è ò.ä.)
| | Title of work Blood
| | | Advertiser Skorpioni Julgestusteenistuse AS
| | Product, service to be advertised security service
| | Slogan, description of creative idea A full four-page spread of an attractive secretary appeared in an issue of the business daily. She had apparently fallen victim to violence. The copy on the first three pages was in dialogue form: the secretary calls the security firm and bargains with the dispatcher, trying to get the firm to send a patrol car. The woman’s face becomes bloodier in the course of the negotiation. The idea was based on a real problem—a monopoly security firm demands surcharges for each deployment and as a result the firm’s employees prefer to check on the situation themselves. The final page offered a solution to the problem—choose Scorpion: they don’t bargain with your safety and always show up for no extra charge.
| | Author of idea Anti Naulainen, Igor Baturin
| | Creative manager Anti Naulainen
| | Copywriter Anti Naulainen
| | Art-director Marek Murumets
| | Designer Marek Murumets
| | | | Production company Print House
| | | гê ñòâîðåííÿ / Ãîä ñîçäàíèÿ (ÃÃÃÃ) 2005