May 31 - June 3 2005, "Dom Kino"

Rating of works
Participant rating
Media support
Representative offices


The 6th KIAF corporate style concept: Mr. Lemons advertising agency, Riga

bigmir TOP100



/ Rules / Participation cost and payments 

Participation cost and payments 


Accreditation per one participant: EUR100

(all prices include VAT and advertising taxes)

Two or more participants from one organization - EUR75

Accreditation allows attending all daytime events of the Festival plus two ceremonies with two following dinners and one accreditation kit (one kit per EUR100 accreditation or per one EUR75 group).

VIP Accreditation

VIP accreditation per one participant - EUR150,

Two or more participants from one organization - EUR120

Accreditation allows attending all daytime events of the Festival including special seminar program, ceremonies with following dinners plus extended accreditation VIP kit per each accreditation.

Entrance tickets and prices

Entrance tickets - EUR3 per day (20 UAH per day for Ukrainian participants)

Ticket allows for single review of the exposition, participation in open seminars, daytime presentations (except evening time) and special seminar program.

Student ticket price – 10 UAH per day

Special seminar program entrance ticket– EUR25 per day

Ticket allows to participate in all daytime Festival program (except evening time) – open seminars, presentations, reviews, specialist seminar program, review of the exposition.

Entrance ticket for the Festival awarding ceremony with the following dinner - EUR30 per ceremony

CD-catalogue of contest entries - EUR10

Entrance to all events of the Festival is only by accreditation cards and entrance tickets.

Attention: entrance tickets for the Festival parties are not sold separately

Entrance for accredited participants only

30% discount is given on series of entries (three or more entries in one contest as a part of a campaign). Every entry should have a clear indication of belonging to certain series in application form.

Valid members of the All-Ukrainian advertising coalition are given a 20% discount for accreditation and participation in contest program.

Associated members of the All-Ukrainian advertising coalition are given a 5% discount on accreditation and participation in contest program.

Festival Payment Scheme

Payment for participation takes place after the completion of all registration forms on the Festival website.

After completing the registration participant should inform the organizational committee via e-mail: 

Ukrainian participants also (legal entities only) should send copy of certificate of VAT taxpayer (fax: (044) 490 6132, e-mail: ).

Payment options:

  • Non-cash payment (physical entities should pay through bank’s pay desk)
  • Credit card

Corporate credit card payment scheme is stated in card-1 form, private credit card payment scheme is stated in card-2 form.