The 6th KIAF corporate style concept: Mr. Lemons advertising agency, Riga
25 May, 2005 |
We've got first finalists of the 6th KIAF!
On Saturday, May 21, the second work stage of advertisers jury has ended. DM, PR, BTL, Advertising campaigns and Alternative advertising works were assessed. According to the agenda of the Festival, during the first stage each member of the advertisers jury received works for independent examination and assessment. During the second stage the juries discussed entries at the joint meeting. The available and ready for your viewing short-list is a result of the meeting.
The juries also discussed the list of contest works (three per each contest) that are nominated for public presentation on the KIAF opening day (May 31). |
11 May, 2005 |
The TRAIN – boarding starts! Location: The 6th Kiev International Advertising Festival Management: the magazine «Êîìï&íüîÍ»
At the 6th KIAF (that, if somebody has forgotten, will be carried out in Kiev «Dom Kino» from May 31 to June 3) one more contest has appeared. This is the special award of «Êîìï&íüîÍ» magazine – the TRAIN. The award will go to the advertising agency and advertiser. Advertising agency – for the extraordinary, breakthrough advertising ideas. The advertiser – for the courage and resolution in decision-making, for the no killing of idea, and presenting to the world of one more novel, uncommon and effective advertising. The TRAIN is the award to brave associates on the both sides of the advertising process.

Irina Fedorishin, the acting chief editor of the «Êîìï&íüîÍ» magazine:
«The Kiev International Advertising Festival has a strong presence as annual spring holiday of the whole industry and everybody related. At the festival, as usual at the good holidays, there is trying the strength, drive, fun. So we decided: let’s make a good showing, while watching and evaluating others! So said – so done! This year under the steadfast attention of «Êîìï&íüîÍà» is such display in business life of the country, as creativity. In fact without creativity there is nothing breaking through and great! And even just important or anyhow noticeable. And breakthrough ideas, as known, are the engines of the whole civilizations, not generally speaking of the whole progress. But the idea that was born in one had can do nothing. For this purpose the associates and copartners are needed! Turns out that breakthrough idea is the offspring of courage efforts of those who create, and those, who give them the chance to live. From such reasoning "the TRAIN" was born. We are waiting for the discoveries! We want our award to naturalize at the festival and every year to remind its participants: «Break the ordinarily, standards and greyness! Your efforts and courage worth to meet the public notice! »
At the contest for the special award of «Êîìï&íüîÍ» magazine – the TRAIN will participate all works, registered at 6KIAF. The editorial staff will choose the winners. What exactly would be the prize is the top secret for today. |
26 April, 2005 |
6th KIAF: the start on time!
The KIAF organizers, deeply experienced by previous 5 festivals, this year intentionally dissembled a little when they had set the 25 of April as the deadline of registration, understanding, that, even having received a reminder on competitive works registration 2 months before the deadline, the participants for some reason leave this important action for the last day. Therefore, as it was scheduled by acute KIAF organizers, the deadline for works registration at the 6th KIAF was postponed up to 3 PM, April 28.
Attention! This would be the closing date and hour for competitive works registration at the festival web-site, but not the final day of their delivery to the organizing committee. The “Print” entries should be delivered not later than May12. The closing date for the delivery of competitive works for the “TV-advertising” and “Advertising campaigns” is May 5.
The processing of applications and works under categories and contests will start on April 29. During the May and Easter holidays the server of advertising festival wont work!
For the reference: the last year during the last day of works acceptance arrived more than 900 competitive works, and about 400 “were late” from the total number of 2028. The communication channel on that day was so crowded that not everybody could send the works. This year the whole process, on the one hand, is automated and programmed to the maximum, and on the other hand, the voting of all juries of the firs stage of refereeing will start on May 10 (for the more details see www.adfestival.com.ua in the “Jury” menu).
Don’t postpone the submission for the deadline - April 28! Of course, if you want to participate and win. |
22 April, 2005 |
Registration for 6 KIAF – even the beginner can make it!
You can agree, that very often the registration process on different festivals, seminars and other massive events can be exhausting and provoke lots of questions. The aim to save your nervous cells, KIAF decided to make all possible (and even impossible!) to save from negative emotions during such an important process as registration.
On 6 KIAF even the beginner can make it. You’re just recommended to get known with general rules and choose the form of participation. Let us remind you, that there are only three variants:
- Accreditation of representatives for all festival events and give the projects for competition programme;
- Àñcreditation the representatives without giving the projects;
- Giving the projects without accreditation.
On official site of festival you can find the example of how to fill the application form for participation in 6 KIAF, all process described step-by-step.
First time in history of festival, non-Ukrainian participants are given the opportunity to download competition projects, made with all mentioned requirements, directly from festival site, after filling the application form. All you need is to follow the instructions, which wll be sent to e-mail, giving in application form.
Important remark: you should hurry up with presenting the competition projects – the deadline is 25 of April. |
19 April, 2005 |
The second year the organizer of Kiev International Advertising Festival – The All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition with the informational support by a weekly journal «Äåëîâàÿ Ñòîëèöà», carries out the contest «Discovery of the year». «Discovery of the year - 2004» will win the company working in territory of Ukraine in the field of advertising and media, founded in 2004 and which appearance became the appreciable occurrence in the market.
Those wishing to take part in the contest should send the filled in questionnaire till May, 20, 2005 to the addresses on a web-site of festival or to fill it in directly on one of the following web-sites - www.dsnews.com.ua, www.adfestival.com.ua or www.adfestival.com.ua.
To not miss the opportunity to become «The Discovery of the year - 2004» it is enough time, but with the registration of competitive works it is necessary to hurry - the period of works registration expires on April, 25. |
14 April, 2005 |
Not dull evenings at 6 KIAF
Organizing Committee 6th KIAF has taken care of evening leisure of festival participants.
This year parties began more! Now each (!) festival day will come to an end joint pastime in natural atmosphere. On May 31 visitors of festival are invited by "Businessman", on June, 1 KIAF visits
“Days of Direct-marketing ”, and closing of festival celebrated together with “ Prosto radi.O ”.
Elina Shpirt - Head of Promotion department "Prosto radio":
“ Prosto radi.O ” is the information partner of Festival not from the first, and at all from second year of its existence. Should pass certain time that we could understand: as far as the command of a coalition which is the organizer of festival, what prospects of its development is professional. After we were convinced, that prospects are, we have supported festival the participation. Also we do not regret. If to speak about parties, they always cheerful, easy, without special claims for something unique is simple. On the first a striptease was presented to us. And now we arrange original "alaverdy". We share him with people. Shared already twice. Nobody remains indifferent.
Evening actions KIAF:
On May, 31
Party of opening
KIAF and the newspaper "Businessman" congratulate each other and the visitors on opening
On June, 1
Party - Festival on a visit at Days of Direct-marketing in Ukraine
(access on VIPs - accreditations)
On June, 2
Awarding Ceremony - a part 1.
On June, 3
Awarding Ceremony - a part 2.
The party devoted to closing of Festival. Invites Simply For the sake of. About.
" Vitamin 2 ", TC Magelan
Visit all evening actions of festival can only those participants 6 KIAF, which have received the VIP accreditation. |
12 April, 2005 |
President of Jury Cannes Lion Awards on 6 KIAF
1st of June in the network of special seminar programme on 6th Kiev Festival Fred Koblinger wiil appear – Exucutive and Creative Director, Palla agency, Koblinger Proximity (Austria), who this year is a President of Jury Cannes Lion Awards.
Fred Koblinger is undoubtedly one of the pioneers of Direct Marketing in Austria. In 2004 therefore and for the international success of the agency he was invited to the Hall of Fame of the Austrian Direct Marketing Association. He is frequently giving speeches at many major European Marketing- and Advertising Congresses and was twice jury memeber in Cannes and President of the Cannes Direct Lions Jury in 2005.
From the speech of Fred Koblinger you will learn how to discover and judge creativity, how to get to a creative emotional strategy (not only rational) and cross-check your learnings with the worlds most creative cases.
Speech Thesis
"The Creative Borderline Disorder!"
Causes, Symptoms, Indication and Healing.
Our world is changing dramatically – so is today´s marketing. Borders and limits have disappeared – forget about “above” - and “below the line”. We are no longer fighting for the money of consumers but for their attention – no matter which channel we use. We have to focus on image AND behaviour. Emotion beets information – also in Direct Marketing. A discipline which has changed it´s face to the consumer considerably. 25 outstanding creative examples from all ove r the world show, how.
Educational Content:
Creativity is hard to find and difficult to judge. Trying to reveal the essence of creativity as one of the main successfactors in DM, the speaker – President of The Cannes Direct Lions Jury in 2005 - is proving his findings with 25 of the most astonishing examples of DM work from all around the world. Besides all rules applying to successful DM, creativity and appealing to emotion is the booster for success – since DM like any other communication has to overcome the attention-barrier in the first stage.
To visit the speech of Fred Kolinger can only those participians of 6th KIAF, who get the VIP-accreditation. |
04 April, 2005 |
Interesting mathematic of Kyiv Advertising Festival
Condition. In period from 14 February to 2 of April 2005, what is 47 days, 96 participant have given their applications to organizators of 6th Kyiv Advertising Festival, in sum registered 272 competition works. It’s in 197 works and 37 participants more then on 2 of April 2004. Question. How many works will be registered on the last days of receiving the applications of 6th Kyiv Advertising Festival – 25 of April, 23 days to go, if last year at KIAF-2004 458 agencies and 2028 competitions works took part?
Supplemented task for Olympic players (gifted and curious)
There is known that among competitions leads Graphic Design – 46 works, second and third dived between TV and Internet commercial – 44 works. Less then other (one!) were given on competition of Alternative commercial (humor, parody in commercial), where participation is free.
Question: Does Print commercial take the lead of Internet, when on 2 of April only 27 works are given to the competition?
The next information is for those who love geography:
From already received applications we can see that on KIAF the people will come from cities (alphabetically): Bratsk, Vladimir, Voronej, Dnepropetrovsk, Donezk, Erevan, Ijevsk, Kiev, Krasnodar, Lviv, Minsk, Moscow, Pushkino, Riga, St. Petersburg, Sumy, Toljatti, Tjumen, Harkov, Hmelnizky, Cherkassy. |
28 March, 2005 |
Bogdan Naumovici is the 7th Head of 6th KIAF jury
Bogdan Naumovici, CEE Regional Creative Director of Leo Burnett, Creative Director of Leo Burnett Romania has become the 7th Head of Main jury in history of Kiev Advertising Festivals.
It is a reminder that earlier this important mission was carried out by:
- 2000 ã. – Dragan Sakan, CEO and Creative Director of New Moment – New Ideas Company, Slovenia
- 2001 ã. – Igor Jankovskyi, The Head of Moscow International Advertising Festival, Russia
- 2002 ã. – Christopher Masterson, Creative Direcor of Bates network in Europe, Spain
- 2003 ã. – Gilles Berouard, Regional Chief Executive Officer, Euro RSCG New Europe, Czech Republic
- 2004 ã. – co-chairmen: Igor Lutc, CEO and Creative Director of BBDO, Russia and Sean McAllorum, Creative Director of Ark Thompson Prague, Czech Republic
The international festival success in 2004 of Leo Burnett network agencies and also phenomenal progress of Romanian advertising creative has not gone unnoticed by KIAF organizers. That’s why the candidature of Bogdan seemed to be the most proper for organizers of KIAF to take up the most honorable and liable post in the festival jury.
Bogdan Naumovici, CEE Regional Creative Director of Leo Burnett
“The best asset an advertising industry can have: strong, single-minded, breakthrough ideas. So I see this Ad Festival as your greatest opportunity to promote idea-based advertising throughout your market. I will make it my mission to recognize, applaud and award the work that is different, that speaks to people and breaks through the clutter, but especially the work that shows a powerful, long-lasting, single-minded idea. Between the Big Idea game and the Big Production game, I believe the Big Idea game is a game one can much easier win when it comes to international standards and competitions”. |
23 March, 2005 |
The volume of freebies at the 6th KIAF
The real advertisers never forget about two probably main things in their hard work – the competent creative idea and DISCOUNTS! And it is still a question what seems to be more important: the creativity or the discount.
Being aware of this and taking care of the participants the organizers of the Kiev International Advertising Festival in this message has decided to promulgate the full list of all possible discounts and freebies at the 6th KIAF.
So, let’s start with the most pleasant - free participation.
This year as it usually is the participation of the competitive works executed in a genre of an advertising parody and sent to category A-1 of Contest of Alternative advertising are unpaid by participants due to sponsor's efforts of magazine "ÍÀØ ". Readers and admirers of magazine "ÍÀØ" including the organizers of KIAF take this situation for granted, but also keep saying thank to "ÍÀØ" with pleasure.
There goes the partner of contest "Advertising photography" – the newcomer of KIAF. Advertising photographers participate for free in the 6th festival of advertising due to sponsor's support by Ôîòîáàíê "Èìïåðèÿ Èçîáðàæåíèé". The organizers hope that on behalf of Ôîòîáàíê both advertising photographers and festival will get the reliable, constant and long-term partner.
Now about less radical but nevertheless quite feelable discounts.
For ALL (!) competitive works declared and paid up to April 1, 2005, the 20 % discount is given.
Also the discounts get:
of works (three and more works from one advertising contest that compose an advertising campaign) - 30% discount from a total cost of works in a series.
Full members of the Ukrainian Advertising Coalition - 20 % discount on accreditation and participation in the competitive program.
Associated members of the Ukrainian Advertising Coalition - 5 % discount on accreditation and participation in the competitive program.
We remind that competitive applications are filled on a web-site of festival. Dead-line April 25, 2005.
The noble desire pay now can to be realized by all possible{probable} and known ways, including payment with the help of personal and corporate credit cards (it is introduced for the first time!).
In more detail about cost of participation, the form and the order of payment it is possible to learn{find out} on an official site of festival in corresponding headings.
The noble desire to pay now could be realized by all possible and known ways including payment with personal and corporate credit cards (it is introduced for the first time!).
You can find out more about cost of participation, the form and procedure of payment on official web-site of the festival in corresponding rubrics. |
22 March, 2005 |
16 contests of of the 6th KIAF
Annually Kiev International Advertising Festival springs a lot of surprises to the participants. One time the jury consists only from advertisers, another time video summaries of seminars gratify, or the live broadcast organization of rewarding ceremony, or instead of one rewarding ceremony three are carried out, and final so …, however, that's quite another story (eyewitnesses will confirm). And also there were (and there are) CD - catalogues with pictures, almanacs with letters, club parties with bowling-balls, and a lot of different and useful.
This year at the Kiev festival the number of contests has increased. Some of them are born by "gemmating", for example, with the dissolution of "Indirect advertising“ contest the organizers got at once three separate contests: PR-projects, DM-projects and BTL-projects. Here everything is more or less clear: the advertising market grows and specializes, the competition on these directions also grows. By the way, with the prosperity there comes consciousness - each of these festival contests has a partner - the professional association: Ukrainian Association of Public Relations, BTL-club and the Ukrainian association of direct-marketing.
Conceptually new contest for KIAF is the contest of Media projects. However, the establishment of the given competition is the command of time. Well tell – why the KIAF is worse than the Cannes lions or festivals Golden Drum, Golden Hammer and MMFA?
Oleg Popenko, CEO, Starcom MediaVest Group Ukraine:
“Starcom Med³aVest Group congratulates organizers with this decision and supports Media project’s contest. I think that this contest is important not only for strengthening of competition and experience exchange. It will help to enlarge an idea of the role of media agency in a modern marketing system because an agency could greatly raise the effectiveness of advertising campaign if does not content itself only with traditional criteria of cost and coverage but think creatively and look for a way to improve quality of a contact principally”.
Along with new contests at KIAF there will be traditional advertising contests for the festival :
- TV and cinema spots
- Outdoor billboards and posters
- Advertising photography
- Graphic design and POS materials
- Label and Packaging
- Outdoor
- Exposition design
- Radio spots
- Internet advertising and web design
- Alternative advertising
- Advertising campaigns, integrated marketing communications
15 March, 2005 |
Two psyhotypes of KIAF participants
Two different tempers, two behavior patterns distinguish the future participants of the Kiev International Advertising Festival.
Some prefer unhurried measured preparation to the festival. ‘And why to fuss?’ they think, ‘Yes, we shall pay 20 % more but we will carefully prepare everything; we’ll think over and leisurely register the competitive works before April 25, 2005.
Others think absolutely different: there’s no reason to put off the registration and payment of works till last days. At this time the web site of festival goes through welter, it’s impossible to get organizers on a phone with questions and May Easter days are at hand and the soul wants camping. Moreover, having paid up to April 1 we shall save 20 % and our each 5th work will participate in competition for free.
You will tell that also know the third category of the participants living by a principle “never do today what you can do tomorrow”. They are people, which are always absolutely busy today and tomorrow carry out by heroic efforts everything that were necessary to do yesterday. You asseverate that the majority of ad makers live in this way?
‘Vicious slander!’ the management of KIAF protects the participants; ‘it’s the story not about ours’. Our guys are clever, talented, hardworking, professional ad makers; that's not their way to behave.
For such guys the management of KIAF is ready to accept the payment for participation in the festival. The noble desire to pay now could be realized by all possible and known ways including payment with personal and corporate credit cards (it is introduced for the first time!). |
11 March, 2005 |
The company style for 6 KIAF was offered by Latvians
Every year Kiev’s Advertising Festival interprets it’s image in a different ways and at the same time always stays very ironic. All ideas of the last five festivals were belong to the advertising agency DIALLA. This year some changes took place. Creative services in making the new image of festival’s logo were proposed by Latvian advertising agency Mr Lemons.
Harijs Liepins, director & creative director
advertising agency Mr.Lemons: “At the first time we got a slogan “Fish O’Kiev” and at the same time arise the idea of dominoes. We made a detailed picture of domino table with a festival fish with a bones in a center. Then we put a logo on bone six-zero, we liked the result and we proposed the idea to the organisators. And they didn’t reject it. How the idea of undertake for visualization of sixth Kiev Festival of advertising now I don’t remember. But I exactly remember why were born the line of ideas for Kiev. We wanted so much, just for training, to try to create our own version about Kiev’s fish.
And so, at this year 6th KIAF advertising men play dominoes, thanx to the designers ideas of latvian advertising agency Mr.Lemons.The embodiment is still by advertising agency Dialla.

And now a little of memories.Last festival was fifth, we can say, the jubilee. On the festival many awards were given out. The word “award” was associated for organizators with Leonid Ilyich, who also liked the awards, that’s why on logo the orders were illustrated. It wasn’t a nostalgia-communistic style, but light ironic for award lovers. Fourth festival got involved with fishman termins: oar, hooks, fishman symbols. Also exaggerated in samovar-sharovar style in iamge of third festival near red caviar was Ukrainian rushnyk with forks and spoons. In Internet were a lot negatives replays from designers. The organisators still receive references to the resources where these images were criticized. Well sometimes the critics of parody are themselves very funny and even more parody in their earnesty.
Maxim Lazebnik, producer and festival coordinator:
“The festival has it’s logo – and it’s part of corporate style, which stays constantly all the time. This is our fish, who eats another fish. We can count more then 40 interpretations of that image: big agency eats up the small one, the battle for profits. The main thing, from my point of view, is to remember, that big fish will finish it’s way on a plate, with a blue border i.e. will be the award of Kiev advertising festival.
05 March, 2005 |
Koreans are first among Ukrainians!
First advertising agency to submit registration form is Cheil Communications Inc., also known as “Samsung” agency. The agency will present a number of creative entries in TV, print, outdoor and advertising campaign categories developed for Samsung Electronics.
First Belorussians also submitted their TV spots on behalf of Prime Media agency.
Design studios, BTL agencies, print media and even a social fund are among registered KIAF participants. |
01 March, 2005 |
VI Kyiv International Advertising Festival is coming nearer!
From the 31 of May till the 3 of June in the Kyiv House of Cinema the VI Kyiv International Advertising Festival will be held. For the first time in its 6 year history the festival will continue 4 instead of 3 days as it was before. “Believe me, we do have enough events to fill 4 days”, - confidently declares Maxim Lazebnik – the producer and coordinator of the project - , “already now the active work is being done in the organization of contest program and the selection of festival jury judges”.
In connection with the “orange events” in December of the previous year the Organizational Committee of the festival has failed to execute all planned volume of works in November - December but the official web-site of the festival was already opened according to schedule early in February. To tell the truth, for this purpose it was necessary to work during all January vacation. And the cancellation of vacation costs that because on the St. Valentine’s Day the 14 of February every person in love (with advertising) could register at the KIAF web-site and become the participant of the festival.
By the way, the first registered participant turned out to be the representative of an advertising-production company from Tyumen. And he was registered at 6-45 AM (!) (Kyiv time). And on the 17 of February in the list of participants appeared the second person — the representative of Yerevan. The most surprising is that for the present time (the end of February) there are no Ukrainian advertising companies among registered on the web-site. (By the way, there are still no estoniansJ ). |
14 February, 2005 |
Entries and participants registration has started. |
08 February, 2005 |
Registration starts on February 14, St. Valentine’s Day. |
07 February, 2005 |
We congratulate our colleagues with the opening of the 6th Kiev International Advertising Festival website. Feel free to report any possible mistakes or misprints found on our website to
