| "Shoe talk" (2) P-4-4b Îäåæäà, îáóâü, äåòñêèå òîâàðû, óêðàøåíèÿ è àêñåññóàðû |
Íàçâàíèå ðàáîòû "Shoe talk" (2)
Title of work "Shoe talk" (2)
Ðàáîòà îòíîñèòñÿ ê ñåðèè ðàáîò / workline "Shoe talk"
Ðåêëàìîäàòåëü Dolita
Advertiser Dolita
Ðåêëàìèðóåìûé ïðîäóêò, óñëóãà Shoes
Product, service to be advertised Shoes
Îïèñàíèå òâîð÷åñêîé èäåè, ñëîãàí Shoes with character will always reveal the most distinct traits of a person. With shoes from “Dolita” you cannot pretend to be someone else because “Dolita will give you away”.
Slogan, description of creative idea Shoes with character will always reveal the most distinct traits of a person. With shoes from “Dolita” you cannot pretend to be someone else because “Dolita will give you away”.
Àâòîð èäåè Solveiga Masteikaite
Author of idea Solveiga Masteikaite
Òâîð÷åñêèé ðóêîâîäèòåëü Gediminas Juskys
Creative manager Gediminas Juskys
Êîïèðàéòåð Solveiga Masteikaite
Copywriter Solveiga Masteikaite
Àðò-äèðåêòîð Mindaugas Ratavicius
Art-director Mindaugas Ratavicius
Äèçàéíåð Kazimieras Dainovskis
Designer Kazimieras Dainovskis
Äàòà ñîçäàíèÿ (ÌÌ-ÃÃÃÃ) 09-2003