Participation cost for one work in the contest is 120 Hrn and 20 c.u. for non-residents of Ukraine. A series of works (three and more works, which made an advertising campaign) is a subject to 30% discount from the total cost of works in series. For each work in the series an application form should be filled in with indicating its belonging to the advertising series.
Full and associated members of All-Ukrainian advertising coalition have the right for additional 20% discount and 5% discount for all types of payments respectively.
ALL works should be presented in TWO copies: one – for the work of jury, another – for exposition on the stand.
Contest materials for the jury (one copy):
Originals of packaging or label.
For exposition on the stand (second copy)
To take part in label contest the samples of the label should be presented in the actual size, placed on the black A4 format cardboard.
To take part in packaging contest one sample of the work should be presented as an unfolded layout of A4 format placed on the black A3 format substrate.
All works should contain author’s and company information, title and contest category on the right side of the substrate (in the right bottom corner).
One contest application should be accompanied with only one plane-table with the image.
To be placed in electronic catalogue of festival works electronic versions should be submitted in *.jpg, *.gif format:
- small image (preview) – no more than 200 pixels wide,
- big image – no more than 500 pixels wide, 72 dpi resolution RGB
- L-1. Food products label, drinks label included
- L-2. Industrial products label
- L-3. Food products and cigarettes packaging
- L-4. Industrial products packaging