Program of seminars, master-classes and out-contest showings. (info that is available at 30.03.2004)
Angela Dorofeeva, Marketing Director, Mcdonald’s Ukraine
“Selling nothing. Where is the trick?”
How to make your client happy by presenting him the new big advertising campaign and not showing a single ad? The difference between message, idea and execution: what is what and why is it important? From initial problem to final press layout or TVC – a step by step process based on real case studies. Ronalds Griskevics, Creative Director, Y&R Garage 4x4, Riga, Latvia
“Breeding big brains: how to raise and manage creative people.”
Inna Gertsberg, Creative Director, Adell Saatchi&Saatchi, Kiev, Ukraine
“Advertisement – what’s what.” Vlad Vasyukhin, journalist, Moscow, Russia
"Selling creative and keeping it sold" Pierre Pilon, Creative Director, Ark Thompson Group, Prague, Czech Republic; so-chairman of the major jury of KIAF
Golden Drum is a star 1994 - 2003 In October 2003 Golden Drum – New European Advertising Festival has marked the 10th anniversary since the modest idea, that many saw as bold and overreaching, has grown into not only a European manifestation but into an important event noticed throughout the world. From Trieste to Vladivostok, from Helsinki to Tel Aviv, the Golden Drum is the biggest, most important and most noticed advertising overview and event of the year. Ales Pavlin, Executive Director GOLDEN DRUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“You should to create but not to blow up.”(Short-term brands as dead-end branch of brand-construction in Ukraine.) Vadim Pustotin, Director of “Sledopyt” brand-consulting company.
“Aikido principles in branding. How to use opponent’s force against himself.” Valentin Pertsiya, Director of BrandAid Group
“Creation – “Why not me made it up?” Dmitriy Chebotkov, Creative Director, ElvisPelvis company, Donetsk-Kiev-St.Petersburg
“Presentation of the First Ukrainian student advertising festival.” Yevgeniy Romat, Chief text-editor of “Marketing and Advertising” journal, Kharkov, Ukraine
“Creative media planning. Placing of creative advertisement” Alexander Shevelevich, Creative Director, Kryn, Minsk
Master-class by Tina Barkalaya, Film and Creative Director, Barkstel advertising agency, Moscow
“Poster-collection presentation of Design Union of Belarus.” Dmitriy Surskiy, Chairman of Design Union of Belarus
“Packing as expressive brand silence.” Alexey Fadeev, Creative Director, Depot WPF Brand & Identity advertising group; Jury Chairman of Graphic Design and label & packing contest
Master-class by Boris Yeremin, jury Chairman of advertising campaign and BTL contests, professor, Director of PR center of Internetional advertising institute, professor of European PR institute (Paris), academician of Russian natural science academy, Senior editor of "Sovetnik" magazine, President of Russian department of International advertising association (IAA), Moscow.
“How to be a good client? How to be a good agency?” Mikas Feigelovicius, Managing Director, DDB Vilnius, Lithuania Agency of the Year
"What does advertising agency expect from a client?" Why a client can not find a couple? Is it truth when say: "The bigger, the better"? What an ideal client (on advertising agency's opinion) is? Psychographic of ukrainian advertising account. 10 commandments of advertising agency. Svyatoslav Pilipchuk, Creative Director, Artmaster advertising agency, Kiev, Ukraine.
“Humor and music in world advertisement.” Khristo Kaftandjiev, Associate Professor on Marketing Communications and Semiotics of Sofia University, Sofia, Bolgaria
“Working?” Jacek Szulecki, Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi, Warsaw, Poland
“World graphic design outward show.” (Japan, Switzerland, France, America) [kAk) journal entered upon difficult educating mission. None of the domestic periodic issue about world graphic design exists now. You can find something about domestic graphic design… But it’s unreal to find works by foreign masters. There is only one way – to buy no translated maintenance books by several studios and designers. Where? And what kind of periodic behavior is? About what and who specifically we should buy?Who is fancy now but is just short-term event? Does it worse to come to or should we just know about it? So, you can ever read all these in [kAk) journal. You also have occasion to take part in WORLD DESIGN SHOW (first in history of festival motion). The hosts are Peter Bankov, founder of [kAk), art director of “DesignDepo” studio design and Mikhail Loskov, the super designer-art director of [kAk), Moscow.
“ What’s going on the brand kitchen?”(creative wrestling) Elena Saratova, designer, St.Petersburg Alexey Khashkovskiy, journalist, St.Petersburg
“Parallel worlds or Advertising campaign in a miniature.” Victor Panasevich, Director, “KVIRTA” Advertising service, Kiev, Ukraine
“Cost valuation of Ukrainian Brands.” Kazbek Bektursunov, Director, Interbrand brand-consulting company, InterMediaGroup, Kiev, Ukraine
“So you think that creativity works? Think again!” J.Margus Klaar, Creative Director, Indigo Bates/Red Cell, Tallinn, Estonia
“Fiat creativity!” Marina Mazarskaya, Client Director, Provid/BBDO, Kiev, Ukraine
“National promotion actions. “Patient is more likely alive than dead.” Iveta Delikatnaya, candidate of economic sciences; Director of Talan Proximity Ukraine
“Country of successful business or When advises help to earn money.” (Instructions for creation of cable channel.) Yura (adviser) Andrey (sale adviser) Maxim (design)
“Huge kopeck or porolon snowdrifts (secrecy of advertising video-production)” Every day millions of TV viewers switch on TV and then exceeding stream of toothpaste, pads, drawing and foaming beer, mixing yogurt and other strange things of advertising industry descend on them. All of you at every turn hear voices that tell you: strategies, brand consulting, GRP, marketing communications and other no normative vocabulary. But there is another side of the medal, may be even not medal but kopeck… Come and see what has never been shown in TV blocks. Mark Gorobets, production director, “Darcy Ukraine” AA Arnold Kremenchutskiy, production director general, “Pakshortboys films” Darko Skulskiy, production director general, “Radioactive films” Maks Dankevich, production director general, “Gulliver films” Sergey Solomatin, artist-director, master of trick effects and production director general, “Mangust films”
Why innovation is crucial. And how it usually dies before birth. Companies which live from selling creativity obviously need innovation, and all other companies (less obviously) need it as well. But innovation is not just having fun ideas once in a while - in fact, it starts much earlier, and is much more likely to be a part of your companies' spirit if you observe certain rules. Today: What those rules are, and why they're so difficult to follow. Rene Fischer, Creative Director at Bates/Red Cell Latvia, Riga.
“New Moment Ideas Campus” Nastja Mulei, Executive Director, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Master-class by Igor Luts, So-chairman of the Festival Major jury, President and Creative Director, BBDO group, Moscow
"Non-standart means of the effective promo-company" The New Year present for a partner is a million contract! How to impress your partners by means of a souvenir. In what way the award increases working productivity in 100 times of an employee! How to use souvenirs and prizes in company promotion. Master-class of "Geroldmayster" company. Presenters of the master-class: Nicolay Kovrigin, Marketing Director and Yuriy Prokopenko, the head of advertising department. Every participant of the master-class will receive a present!
“Press-day by Ukrainian media holding.”
“Anti-global poster exhibition.”
"Young brand is looking for friends." Particularities of trademarks' promotion that is oriented to children. Round table - experts take part. "Kids Market Consulting" agency, Ukraine, is organizer of the round table.
“Demonstration of the best works from advertising festivals – 2003”:
NewYork festival Khristo Kaftanjiev, jury member
Euroline Minsk Festival Dina Mina, Director of the Festival
Moscow International Advertising Festival Elena Naryshkina, Director of the Festival
“Da…Yezh!” Kazan Advertising and PR Festival Larisa Fomina, President of the Festival
“Aluminic Cucumber” Advertising Parody Festival Dmitriy Ruvinskiy, President of the Festival
- International Baltic Advertising Festival Golden Hammer
Rene Fischer, creative director of GH 2004, jury member of GH 2003
For the first time!
KIAF represents “TOP-managers in advertising business in Ukraine” parade.
- Patron of the parade: Irina Kuznetsova, Chairman of All-Ukrainian Advertising coalition; Director General of Dialla Communications
- Tatyana Vasilenko, Director General, Provid/BBDO group
- Frank Shrul, Chairman, EuroRSCG and partners group
- Yuriy Kogutyak, Director General, MediaLight company
- Dmitriy Abroschenko, Director General, Video International Ukraine advertising group
- Alexander Gorlov, Director General, ADV group advertising holding
- Alexander Didenko, Director General, BigBoard company
- Oleg Popenko, Director general, Starcom Media Vest Group, Kiev, Ukraine
Necessary official formalities:
- Unscheduled session of Internet advertising commission of Media industry association Cauncil (MIAC). Delegations from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine take part. Moderator- Sergey Pilatov, Chairman, International advertising commission of Media industry association Cauncil, St.Petersburg, Russia
- Open general meeting of All-Ukrainian Advertising coalition members.
And after all parties:
28-th of May – Festival final day party 10 years in Prosto-Radio Rhythm! Vitamin Club, “RHYTHM” trade-entertaining center