General rules 

Representative offices

General rules

Professional creators – individuals as well as juridical persons such as agencies, publications and other advertising producers and advertisers are admitted to participate in the Festival.

The Festival is open to all domestic and foreign ad makers.

There are several possible ways to participate in the Festival:

  • Accreditation of the representatives to all the events of the Festival and submission of works to the contests;
  • Accreditation of the representatives only without submission of contest works;
  • Submission of contest works without accreditation of representatives.

Participation fee depending on the participation form chosen is given in the corresponding section.

All advertising works that appeared in mass-media, took part in advertising campaigns or were realized in other form (accepted by client) during the period from January 2003 till April 2004 inclusive, except for the works that have already took part in Kiev International Advertising Festivals are admitted to the Festival.

Exception is made for the works presented to the Alternative advertising contest.

In case of delivering (mailing) of works to the Organizing Committee all post expenses are paid by the sender.

Organizing Committee address:

Office #4, 12a Zlatoustivska Street, Kiev, 01135, Ukraine

Kyiv International Advertising Festival.

Addressee*: Maxim Lazebnik


In order to take part in the Festival an applicant should fill in the general registration form attaching the contests application forms.

All the application forms should be filled in both in English and Russian.

Application forms are to be filled in by the participants on the official site of the Festival.

Payment for participation in the Festival is made to the settlement account of the organizer of the Festival (or its official representative) on the basis of the invoices presented.

The participant of the Festival receives the invoice after sending the application forms to the Organizing Committee (general registration form and application forms).

Works without applications, registration form or payment will not be accepted to take part in the contest.

For technical requirements to the materials presented at the contest see requirements to works.

The period for submission of all works, applications and payments – February 10 – April 30, 2004.

The works received by the Organizing committee of the Festival will not be returned. The contest works can be used by the Festival’s organizers to popularize the Festival or in non-commercial purposes.

The participant of the Festival guarantees maintenance of all copyright rules (legal use of music, photos, texts etc) in the works presented and is engaged to solve all possible moot points by himself.

The winners of the Festival have the right to use all prizes and diplomas received for self-promotion.

All Ukrainian participants of the Festival have the right for free application of the work at the open public advertising contest “Advertising Ersh”.

*In case of mailing the correspondence and contest materials by couriers’ delivery it is necessary to indicated the addressee as the Kyiv International Advertising Festival as an event is not a name of juridical person.

